Dakar Rally attracts 430 competitors
The 2011 Dakar Rally will have 430 assorted two and four wheel vehicles at the start line in Buenos Aires on New Year's Day, organisers of the event billed as the biggest of its kind in the world announced on Tuesday.
Dakar Rally attracts 430 competitors
This level of interest represents an 18 percent increase on the number of competitors who took part in this year's edition with the rise put down to a stronger entry from South America.
A total of 51 different nationalities are set to take part.
The ship ferrying vehicles from Europe will set sail from the French port of Le Havre for the Argentine capital next Monday.
Organisers are predicting four million spectators will turn out to watch this latest edition of the rally which was moved to South America from its traditional home in Africa in 2009 due to security issues.
Peserta dari 51 Negara yang ikut daftar adakah dari Indonesia...?
Dari 430 Competitors pengen ada diantara salah satunya Sob,,, Tapi kapan yaa,,,?
Ngimpi truus, sebelum mimpi itu dilarang dan bayar,,, asik ajee cuuyy,,,,,,,,
Teryata Cuuyy,,,
KASIH 'Aang' HANGGORO ikut lagi untuk Dakar Rally 2011.
Menepuh rute di Negara Argentina dan Chile, berlangsung 1-16 Januari tahun depan.
sibos merupakan salah satu off-roader di tanah air juga pengurus Yayasan Universitas Budi Luhur Jkt.
Boss,, mau dong jadi Navigator-nya, kan pernah juga jadi navigator rally nasional, Hade ama Ade mah lewat,,,,, (peace sob).
Masa driver sendiri gak ada navigator kemarin bos,
2011 wajib boss,,, biar bisa ngalahin Spain gila tuuh, maksudnya Carlos Sainz.
Semoga Bisa MENANG, Boss 'Aang',,,
Pake ini,,,,,
atau inii,,,,,
![]() |
Updated: Tuesday, November 23, 2010
ini sumbernya biar puas cuuyy
For its third edition on the South American continent, the Dakar will be continuing its exploration northwards of Argentina and Chile. The balance between the difficult and less difficult sections has also been revised to test the riders, drivers and crews a little more on the first part of the route. After the rest day, the competitors will be getting to grips with extreme endurance racing, with a sequence of decisive stages, likely to rock the established order right up to the day before the finish in Buenos Aires.
David Castera, Dakar sporting director: “A great satisfaction has been the possibility to discover new regions by heading a little further north. This journey to the very limits of the two countries has contributed to the development of a dense and varied route. The state of play at the half-way point should be encouraging for many amateurs, but the return towards Buenos Aires looks challenging with four stages in which all the difficulties imaginable in the Atacama Desert are brought together. During the reconnaissances, my personal favourite was the landscapes that look like they come straight out of a western which we will be crossing on the Chilecito to San Juan stage. I reckon that the competitors will also be in a state of wonderment”. |
Saturday, 1st January > Leg 1: Buenos Aires - Victoria
New Year’s Day the old way
Road section, 377 kmThe Dakar will be respecting the tradition of the first editions, which systematically started on 1st January at place de la Concorde in Paris. This time, the competitors will indeed be passing an obelisk, yet it is the one on the Avenue of 9th July in Buenos Aires, before heading for Victoria, along a road section. The stop-watches will not be ticking for this day of meeting the Argentinean crowds. However, after this first section of the route, the competitors will be setting up for the night in the bivouac.
Sunday, 2nd January > Leg 1: Victoria - Cordoba
Engines heating up
Bikes - Quads
- Road section, 566 km
- Special, 192 km
Cars - Trucks
- Road section, 566 km
- Special, 222 km
Most of the journey will have been made the day before, but the road section to the starting line of the first special stage is still long. Once the competitors have got down to the nitty-gritty, their engines will start to heat up along a very quick portion. They will need to be more and more technically proficient on a route that then becomes mountainous. In order to limit the amount of overtaking on narrow tracks, a special route has been drawn up for bikes and quads in the middle of the stage.
Monday, 3rd January > Leg 2: Cordoba - San Miguel de Tucuman
Feels like the bush
Bikes - Quads
- Road section, 440 km
- Special, 300 km
Cars - Trucks
- Road section, 440 km
- Special, 324 km
For this stage entirely covering new ground, the competitors’ compass bearings will be set to the north, leading the rally into a backdrop of forest which will remind some observers of bush landscapes. During part of the day, the bikes and quads will again be separated from the cars and trucks. The acrobats on two wheels will have a field day on an old track where jumps are plentiful and sometimes spectacular. In the cockpits of the cars, the drivers can also expect a bumpy ride: endless hops and bounds as well as blind corners will be on the menu.
Tuesday, 4th January > Leg 3: San Miguel de Tucuman - San Salvador de Jujuy
Red and green
Bikes - Quads
- Road section, 231 km
- Special, 521 km
- Road section, 231 km
- Special, 500 km
- Road section, 408 km
- Special, 226 km
To reach Jujuy, the special stage has been split into two parts, separated by a neutralised section. On the first part, the bikers will again be racing on their own track, plunging into the desert canyons where the red of the sand and cliffs is the dominant colour. There is a striking contrast with the second timed portion: the race moves to earthen tracks and the vehicles will disappear into thick green forest. The trucks have been excused from this challenge, deemed too dangerous for the windscreens which are at the same level as tree branches.
Wednesday, 5th January > Leg 4: San Salvador de Jujuy - Calama
The summit of the rally
Road section, 554 kmSpecial, 207 km
The Dakar leaves Argentina provisionally to cross the Andes mountain range via the Paso de Jama pass. To reach this point, the climb will start during the night. Once they have crossed the border, the crews will ascend to an altitude of 4,800 metres, i.e. the same height as Mont-Blanc, without crampons or ice-picks! In sporting terms, the arrival in Chile also heralds the entrance to the Atacama Desert and the first off-track racing of the rally. The start of the relatively short special stage will take place at 3,300 metres. At this point, the vehicles will have to handle stony terrain as the dunes approach.
Thursday, 6th January > Leg 5: Calama - Iquique
Full throttle
Road section, 36 kmSpecial, 423 km
Full speed ahead! On this complete special, the riders and drivers will have to deal with a variety of terrains which each demand a special type of driving or riding. After a slow start on rocky, bad tracks, the crossing of a “salar” will also bring the average speed down: this section measuring just a handful of kilometres will keep the riders and drivers busy for about one hour. However, the day’s finish will take place on wide open off-track terrain over around one hundred kilometres. The festival of dunes is rounded off by the descent to Iquique, which promises a whole bag of thrills to all thrill-seekers. Opposite the sea, the competitors will descend a 2.3-km slope, at an average gradient of 32 %!
Friday, 7th January > Leg 6: Iquique - Arica
“Guadal” as the locals say…
Road section, 265 kmSpecial, 456 km
The exploration of the Atacama Desert this year brings the Dakar participants to Arica, the last town before the Peruvian border. For this large slice of desert before the rest day, the menu is full of dunes, whose sizes increase as the day passes by. But throughout the special stage, the riders and drivers will experience an alternation of sensations. After surfing on the dunes, most of them will get to grips with the unavoidable zones of fesh-fesh, or “guadal” as they are known in this part of the world. For the section of slaloming between dust and dry grass, patience is the competitors’ best ally.
Sunday, 9th January > Leg 7: Arica - Antofagasta
A dive into the Pacific Ocean
- Road section, 208 km
- Special, 631 km
- Road section, 208 km
- Special, 611 km
The competitors will get back to business with the longest special stage of the rally, which marks the start of a very selective sequence. Two timed sections will be on the menu, with a section of two halves for the morning. The bikers will have to tackle an endurance type route lasting for around forty kilometres. Even the most physically fit will be exhausted by this excursion through the canyons. The finish of this first portion will take place on the ocean’s shores, as the vehicles dive down from the dunes along an especially steep slope towards the finish. The tracks of the second section are quicker and the riders and drivers will no doubt cross the finishing line of the special stage to applause at the racing track.
Monday, 10th January > Leg 8: Antofagasta - Copiapo
Three stages in one
Road section, 268 kmSpecial, 508 km
The three different phases of the day are likely to give rise to difficulties that will have a knock on effect. The utmost care is therefore recommended for handling the subtleties of navigation at the start of the special stage. In the immense open spaces of Chile, the competitors will have to “jump” from valley to valley: landmarks are rare and it is easy to get confused. Making up any time lost will be a dangerous task on the old mine tracks in the middle of the day’s route. Most importantly, a long sandy zone is located at the end of the stage. It will require a very clear head, so it is better to tackle it by day-light rather than with headlights on.
Tuesday, 11th January > Leg 9: Copiapo - Copiapo
Shovels and sand ladders
Link, 35 kmSpecial, 235 km
If the mileage for the day’s proceedings is taken in isolation, the Copiapo-Copiapo loop could pass for a quiet stroll in the desert. Nonetheless it may happen that for many the outcome of the rally could go a long way to being decided in the majestic dunes that dominate this stage. In some places, the depth of the dips formed by the mountains of sand could condemn those who wander astray in them to an endless series of manoeuvres. During this day full of traps, there is a lot to lose… but also much to be won for those who are experts at crossing dunes. The most elementary advice on deflating tyres is probably the most valuable to follow. To add further spice to this stage, the bikers will set off in a grouped start, in rows of ten for the leading riders then in rows of 20.
Wednesday, 12th January > Leg 10: Copiapo - Chilecito
Back at Fiambala
Road section, 686 kmSpecial, 176 km
The competitors will once again become mountaineers to cross the Andes mountain range. They should also make sure to take a camera to immortalise their journey along the road section on route 60, after crossing the border at the Paso San Francisco pass. After these moments of freshness and relaxation, the riders and drivers should expect heat shock. During this season, it is always very hot in the white dunes of Fiambala. The visit will be shorter than in previous years, but after ten days of racing, this section can in particular prove to be decisive for amateurs who start to show signs of tiredness.
Thursday, 13th January > Leg 11: Chilecito - San Juan
Once upon a time in the Andes…
Road section, 164 kmSpecial, 622 km
The country remains the same, but the competitors will genuinely have the impression of entering a new land. The foothills of the Andes sometimes take on a far west appearance, and this is indeed the case for the fabulous canyons in the first timed sector. A little tune by Ennio Morricone would be a perfect sound-track to the sandier backdrop of the second portion, where the competitors will navigate between fairy chimneys. In spite of appearances, it is not a cinema setting: the competitors will have to remain focused and on form for more than 600 kilometres to conserve the benefits of the efforts they have made up to this point.
Friday, 14th January > Leg 12: San Juan - Cordoba
Now its the turn of the big boys
- Link, 123 km
- Special, 555 km
- Link, 349 km
- Special, 266 km
The final battle for the title will take place in broad day-light for the trucks, which will have a head start, exceptionally kicking off proceedings for this stage. For the rest, the length of this penultimate stage requires caution, especially over the first still sandy 100 kilometres. Since the gaps are sometimes tiny between the quickest drivers and riders, a lot can still change at this stage of the race.
Saturday, 15th January > Leg 13: Cordoba - Buenos Aires
Show time
Link, 645 kmSpecial, 181 km
This is a stage for relaxing for most of the competitors who will take starter’s orders in Cordoba. There may be the chance of stealing one or two places for some, or a long route to overcome with a sore wrist or knee for others. These are all good reasons for remaining highly concentrated. The final short and quick special stage of the Dakar 2011 will finish at the Baradero racing track where a great show and thrills are guaranteed.